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This article explores the phenomena of hadith which have been traditions of Muslim society. This study of the phenomenon of hadith is also called as ”living hadith” which defined as the religious phenomenon such as modes of conduct based on or responses to interpretation of hadith texts. Two locations of this research are Masjid Besar Mataram Kotagede Yogyakarta and Pondok Pesantren Al-Munawwir and Ali Maksum Krapyak Yogyakarta. By using the methods of observation, interview, and documents and the integrated-interconected scientific approach of UIN Sunan Kalijaga, the research found that the phenomena of living hadith at Masjid Besar Mataram Kotagede and Pondok Pesantren Al-Munawwir and Ali Maksum Krapyak can be classified into three traditions: oral tradition, written tradition, and practical tradition. Factors that formed the three traditions are beside of religious motivations also caused by cultural acculturation between local (Javanese) culture and Islamic doctrin and differences of the methods of interpretation on hadith texts among Muslim community.

2 komentar:

Hamam Corner mengatakan...

he...he...hidup living hadis.....pak fatih kok sukanya yang living-living ya


Ahmad Mubarok, M. Hum. mengatakan...

PAk ni awiek bahtiar heeeee, pak aku mo bikin tesis living hadis , kalo bisa kapan bisa ketemu,,,,, salam dari muna,... dan munawir,....